Saturday, 3 March 2018

How Meditation helps Young Minds?

Children are more sensitive, and their minds are fragile which needs to be handled carefully and with affection and love. Our routine things may affect them differently so with them you need to take caution in your every step. Things should be decided according to how does it affect your children. Your behavior and attitude teach them a lot and has a great impact on their minds.
Meditation is like multivitamins for a body and probably the young body needs it most. Just like us, children may also face depression, anxiety or stress in their schools or in their society, but meditation helps them grow their mind quicker and stronger. It helps them control their feelings and avoid any feeling of stress or anxiety. As children go through a lot of phases of competitions so they need it the most.
There are children that get panic, that’s maybe because of their term results or exams which does not seem to be a healthy response towards a situation. Such children when gets proper meditation learns to achieve their goals by overcoming their fears. Our mind controls our body and meditation helps to relieve the body and ultimately the mind.
Some early students also suffer from insomnia in their exam period which is also because of stress and depression. Meditations help you reduce your sleep and keeps the mind vigilant and active which is essential for a growing young mind.
Moreover, it helps them overcome their anger just as in adults. If you feel some behavior issues in your children, he doesn’t need a psychiatrist or strictness on him, but an everyday meditation will control his mood swings and he will behave normally with positive vibes in his mind. Yet, meditation isn’t the ultimate option but a solution to many problems that we and even our children face every day. strengthen your bond with your children and help them meditate their mind and body.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Why is it important to teach values to your children?

Why is it important to teach values to your children?
The need for financial literacy is emphasized as it is not taught in the schools or in the whole education career. It is a lifelong experience that continues to you throughout your life. So, when the children are taught at an early age they become more responsible, self-regulated and improves their power of decision. But most of the kids lack necessary guideline about financial literacy which makes them an irresponsible and a mismanaged person in their life. But the life teaches them in one way or another, so why not educating them at an early age to prevent them from any harsh experiences of life.

Saving money and then managing your expenses according to your budget and then instilling such habits in your children make them aware of your financial situations and how to handle it. You should even discuss your job, income, expenses and everything about your financial situations and how to tackle any crisis will incline them towards saving money and becoming a responsible adult. It will keep them from problems like debt, saving money, managing personal finance, growing interest etc. You need to teach your children, or students about economic principles to raise them as a disciplined citizen.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Children and Bullying

It is one of the common and very important problems of this age. Children are the most innocent creatures of the universe, they are easily taken to any side whether right or wrong. Kids observe and adapt the nature of people surrounding them and influencing them. Parents have the major role in this. Busy and aggressive parents leave a very bad impact on their children which makes this world full of bullies. They saw their parents arguing teasing and scolding each other and thus they build their personalities accordingly. Bullying is very common in high schools. Some innocent children are targeted and bullied by these bullies. It has very bad impact on kids. These kids are basically antisocial and their antisocial behavior is indicatory of their mindset. We have to be very sharp and instinctive of kids’ behavior so that we can listen and solve their problems.
Things you must do to save your children from bullying are all dependent on you. How you treat your child? How often you talk to your child? How to check the change of behavior in your child? These all are the matters which demand keen interest of you to get your child out of these problems.
First, you have to talk to the teacher of your kid, she can help you to get to the bully. Then you should talk to the bully if he/she responds you can solve the problem there, or else you can contact his/her parents and talk to them. Thus, can find the real matter and problem regarding that nature of the bullying kid. You should always promote the positive behavior as fighting back is never a solution. No matter how your child has been targeted you should help both the kids as they have to grow into an adult and run this world together. We should be very careful about the mental growth of children.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

How Technology Affects Children’s Social Skills

How is it to be Socially Skilled?
Human beings, also known as social creatures are more inclined to communication and interaction with their surroundings. They have developed many ways to communicate their message, thoughts, feelings with others. With the evolution of man on this earth, he developed many ways to communicate with his surrounding; starting from just an ability to speak to now communication millions of miles away. The technology has turned this world into “Global Village” and man into “Social Animal”. The demand of being socially skilled at this hour of the time is like never before. It helps you develop your emotional and physical strength while being socially active.
What are Social Skills in Children?
Children are innocent creatures with delicate minds and thoughts. A child can easily catch on being socially active if you encourage them to open and sincere environment. Children have natural skills of development, learning, interacting, and enhance their social skills by time. There might be those who feel reluctant to get socially involved with other children in the play but that is not a big deal. As the child has natural instincts of not judging others. Their hearts are as pure as water and they don’t keep grudges while playing together. And by the time they improve their social skills which help them in their practical life. So, it is a basic necessity to train your children to be respectful in every manner, teach them how to behave in a gathering and interacting with their fellows. These social skills can either be positive or negative. Feeding positive skills to your child will have a healthy impact on their body and mind and they feel more confident when outside the home. While those that are not encouraged to open environments may shut their doors on yourself and it may diminish their confidence level too.
How Technology affects Social Skills of your Child?

Well, the advancement of technology has its impacts in both ways as everything in this world has its pros and cons. But to a greater extent, technology has reduced your child social skills. The online video games especially have replaced the outdoor activities which were a very healthy practice for your child. Outdoor activities and plays not only expose your child to other people but to the environment as well. They felt much energetic, creative and confident that way. But online games, play stations, Xbox etc. have reduced their circle to their rooms only. It seems parents are now way busy in their daily routine to pay attention to their kids. They rather prefer iPhones, iPads in their hands instead of bat and ball. Though online plays also have some health effects in boosting their minds but also have reduced their closeness with their family. It has deprived children of empathy and compassion to human relations and rather turned them into robots who are always busy in their play stations. They don’t learn how to behave in a gathering, interact with a new guest at home but busy in their own little world of characters. They aren’t responsible for this but we who have left them alone in the hands of technology. It won’t be wrong to say that this modernism has killed them socially, ethically and emotionally as well.