Saturday, 18 November 2017

Why is it important to teach your children to respect themselves and others?

Children are just like sand and can be molded in any form, but once molded they can never be deformed. This is the simple rule of life too. The things you will teach them now, they will implement tomorrow and become the rigid part of their personalities. So, be wise in treating in your children nicely and respectfully if you want to be treated the same way tomorrow.
It is rightly said that the one who does not respect himself will never be get respected by his society and social circle too. So, treat your children in a respectful manner if you want to see them as an emerging part of the society.
One thing about respect is it can’t be bought or borrowed from someone but earned through your deeds and actions. These are your manners and values that earn you respect in a society. Second thing, it can’t be learned but an innate behavior that is polished by parent’s guideline. A mother’s lap is a child’s first institution from where he teaches how to become a complete man. The same institution teaches you how to behave well in a society too. But first, you need to respect your children that will fill them with confidence and integrity. Such a child is always respectful to his parents and other family members and ultimately to the society.
The most important thing that every parent should take his obligation is to teach their children all about moral values including respect, obedience, responsibility, and everything else that will have an impact on the society. It will not only make them a responsible adult but a good citizen too. It will make you respectful in their eyes and they will see the world with a broader vision too.

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