Tuesday, 19 September 2017

How To Protect Your Child Online

How To Protect Your Child Online
Have you ever thought about protecting your child online? If you are one of me and hence you do make the use of your kids as being the free tech support, then it is quite a lot tempting to let the kids be in the caring mode of their own online security measurements.
This can surely turn out to be the biggest mistake!
You would probably be finding your kids to be expert and experienced in using the technology. But they can never figure out the evaluation of the dangers and risks of the technology use. They will never get to know about those risks until and unless your guidance would not be acting as a supportive hand for them. You need to make your kids aware of the threats that are coming on their way!
Let's make you teach with some of the helpful guidelines and ways of parental controlprotect your child online:
Guideline No 1: Is YouTube Safe For Your Kids?
Is your kid fond of checking out the videos from the YouTube all the time in the private browsing? If so, then make sure that this online checking site is bringing some safest mediums for them. On YouTube, there might be some of the videos that are suitable to watch for the kids, but at the same time, some of the videos are not much appropriate. To stop your kids from using this site, you can click on the three dots at the top right and then click on Settings > General and scroll down until and unless you would not be looking at the “Restricted Mode” option. Do it by using mobile application!
Guideline No 2: Guide Your Kids About Privacy Controls On Social Media Account:
We all know that the trend and demand of social networking craze are getting out to be popular high among the kids. Therefore, in this craziness, they are particularly not aware of the fact that while sharing photos and messages, which people can see their posts. You should let your kids know about the privacy settings for putting a control on their social accounts.
Guideline No 3: Set Separate Account for Your Kids On your Mobile:
Tablets, as well as smartphones, do have the feature where it assists you to make the use of the multiple user accounts on top of the same device. If your kid is using the android tablets, then you can create a restricted account for your child that would limit their use of social networking to some of the applications only. You can easily restrict their Google Play account just by going to Settings > Parental controls and then just turn them on.
Well, the list of guidelines does not end up here! There are countless duties which a parent should perform in order to stop or protect their kids from the monster of online disaster! Follow these simple guidelines which we did mention to you and you would probably be finding your kid safe on some level!

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