Monday, 18 September 2017

Teach Your Children to do House Chores


Children are the gift of Almighty to us who need to be trained in every aspect of life. They are delicate, little souls who are just like soft clay. Yes, because they easily get mold the way you want them to be. If you want to make them responsible, honest, and dedicated you must teach them by their first day in this world. 
Don’t you ever think that your kid is too little to do this thing or that, in fact, trust them with their abilities. They are as intelligent, keen and observant as a mature one. You only need to trust them, engage them with yourself and supervise them in every manner of life. They are quick learners and yet the most active creature of this planet. 
Teaching your children various house chores like making their bed, sweeping the floor, wash the dishes with you in kitchen, setting the dining, and helping you out in your groceries, shopping, repairing your car etc. gives them a sense of accomplishment. it might be their first step in practical life. These activities teach them teamwork and they stay more connected with their families. It is not only the task of girls but boys too should be involved in all house chores. 
Though, it is not an easy task to engage your kid with household chores as some of them may be careless, naughty or not interested in such activities. For this, you need to praise them for their little acts, let them help you in their way, listen to them and encourage them to give an idea. In this way, they will feel themselves part of the team and will pay more attention. No need of rewards as you might get them spoiled too. As compared to these kids, those who are not taught by their parents stay more dispersed, mismanaged and irresponsible in their life. They are more dependent on others for their little things. So, teach your children all aspects of life.

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