Saturday, 18 November 2017

Why is it important to teach values to your children?

Why is it important to teach values to your children?
The need for financial literacy is emphasized as it is not taught in the schools or in the whole education career. It is a lifelong experience that continues to you throughout your life. So, when the children are taught at an early age they become more responsible, self-regulated and improves their power of decision. But most of the kids lack necessary guideline about financial literacy which makes them an irresponsible and a mismanaged person in their life. But the life teaches them in one way or another, so why not educating them at an early age to prevent them from any harsh experiences of life.

Saving money and then managing your expenses according to your budget and then instilling such habits in your children make them aware of your financial situations and how to handle it. You should even discuss your job, income, expenses and everything about your financial situations and how to tackle any crisis will incline them towards saving money and becoming a responsible adult. It will keep them from problems like debt, saving money, managing personal finance, growing interest etc. You need to teach your children, or students about economic principles to raise them as a disciplined citizen.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Children and Bullying

It is one of the common and very important problems of this age. Children are the most innocent creatures of the universe, they are easily taken to any side whether right or wrong. Kids observe and adapt the nature of people surrounding them and influencing them. Parents have the major role in this. Busy and aggressive parents leave a very bad impact on their children which makes this world full of bullies. They saw their parents arguing teasing and scolding each other and thus they build their personalities accordingly. Bullying is very common in high schools. Some innocent children are targeted and bullied by these bullies. It has very bad impact on kids. These kids are basically antisocial and their antisocial behavior is indicatory of their mindset. We have to be very sharp and instinctive of kids’ behavior so that we can listen and solve their problems.
Things you must do to save your children from bullying are all dependent on you. How you treat your child? How often you talk to your child? How to check the change of behavior in your child? These all are the matters which demand keen interest of you to get your child out of these problems.
First, you have to talk to the teacher of your kid, she can help you to get to the bully. Then you should talk to the bully if he/she responds you can solve the problem there, or else you can contact his/her parents and talk to them. Thus, can find the real matter and problem regarding that nature of the bullying kid. You should always promote the positive behavior as fighting back is never a solution. No matter how your child has been targeted you should help both the kids as they have to grow into an adult and run this world together. We should be very careful about the mental growth of children.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

How Technology Affects Children’s Social Skills

How is it to be Socially Skilled?
Human beings, also known as social creatures are more inclined to communication and interaction with their surroundings. They have developed many ways to communicate their message, thoughts, feelings with others. With the evolution of man on this earth, he developed many ways to communicate with his surrounding; starting from just an ability to speak to now communication millions of miles away. The technology has turned this world into “Global Village” and man into “Social Animal”. The demand of being socially skilled at this hour of the time is like never before. It helps you develop your emotional and physical strength while being socially active.
What are Social Skills in Children?
Children are innocent creatures with delicate minds and thoughts. A child can easily catch on being socially active if you encourage them to open and sincere environment. Children have natural skills of development, learning, interacting, and enhance their social skills by time. There might be those who feel reluctant to get socially involved with other children in the play but that is not a big deal. As the child has natural instincts of not judging others. Their hearts are as pure as water and they don’t keep grudges while playing together. And by the time they improve their social skills which help them in their practical life. So, it is a basic necessity to train your children to be respectful in every manner, teach them how to behave in a gathering and interacting with their fellows. These social skills can either be positive or negative. Feeding positive skills to your child will have a healthy impact on their body and mind and they feel more confident when outside the home. While those that are not encouraged to open environments may shut their doors on yourself and it may diminish their confidence level too.
How Technology affects Social Skills of your Child?

Well, the advancement of technology has its impacts in both ways as everything in this world has its pros and cons. But to a greater extent, technology has reduced your child social skills. The online video games especially have replaced the outdoor activities which were a very healthy practice for your child. Outdoor activities and plays not only expose your child to other people but to the environment as well. They felt much energetic, creative and confident that way. But online games, play stations, Xbox etc. have reduced their circle to their rooms only. It seems parents are now way busy in their daily routine to pay attention to their kids. They rather prefer iPhones, iPads in their hands instead of bat and ball. Though online plays also have some health effects in boosting their minds but also have reduced their closeness with their family. It has deprived children of empathy and compassion to human relations and rather turned them into robots who are always busy in their play stations. They don’t learn how to behave in a gathering, interact with a new guest at home but busy in their own little world of characters. They aren’t responsible for this but we who have left them alone in the hands of technology. It won’t be wrong to say that this modernism has killed them socially, ethically and emotionally as well.

How To Protect Your Child Online

How To Protect Your Child Online
Have you ever thought about protecting your child online? If you are one of me and hence you do make the use of your kids as being the free tech support, then it is quite a lot tempting to let the kids be in the caring mode of their own online security measurements.
This can surely turn out to be the biggest mistake!
You would probably be finding your kids to be expert and experienced in using the technology. But they can never figure out the evaluation of the dangers and risks of the technology use. They will never get to know about those risks until and unless your guidance would not be acting as a supportive hand for them. You need to make your kids aware of the threats that are coming on their way!
Let's make you teach with some of the helpful guidelines and ways of parental controlprotect your child online:
Guideline No 1: Is YouTube Safe For Your Kids?
Is your kid fond of checking out the videos from the YouTube all the time in the private browsing? If so, then make sure that this online checking site is bringing some safest mediums for them. On YouTube, there might be some of the videos that are suitable to watch for the kids, but at the same time, some of the videos are not much appropriate. To stop your kids from using this site, you can click on the three dots at the top right and then click on Settings > General and scroll down until and unless you would not be looking at the “Restricted Mode” option. Do it by using mobile application!
Guideline No 2: Guide Your Kids About Privacy Controls On Social Media Account:
We all know that the trend and demand of social networking craze are getting out to be popular high among the kids. Therefore, in this craziness, they are particularly not aware of the fact that while sharing photos and messages, which people can see their posts. You should let your kids know about the privacy settings for putting a control on their social accounts.
Guideline No 3: Set Separate Account for Your Kids On your Mobile:
Tablets, as well as smartphones, do have the feature where it assists you to make the use of the multiple user accounts on top of the same device. If your kid is using the android tablets, then you can create a restricted account for your child that would limit their use of social networking to some of the applications only. You can easily restrict their Google Play account just by going to Settings > Parental controls and then just turn them on.
Well, the list of guidelines does not end up here! There are countless duties which a parent should perform in order to stop or protect their kids from the monster of online disaster! Follow these simple guidelines which we did mention to you and you would probably be finding your kid safe on some level!

Advantages and disadvantages of Homeschooling

What is Home School Education?
Homeschooling is an enterprising movement around the world. It gives an idea to the parents to teach their kids at home in their own care instead of going to schools. Homeschooling is more likely to be the liberal approach of parents to teach their kids at the place they are most comfortable at. The movement began growing in 1970’s when parents started realizing that giving education at home is a healthy practice for their kids instead of sending them to a place where they don’t feel that comfortable. The researchers have also approved this study. Thus, this approach of teaching your children at home got very positive results with increasing trend.
Prerequisites of Homeschooling
The most vital thing about homeschooling is parent’s will to teach on their own. They must really enjoy their company, give them quality-time, passionate to dedicate every second to their children training in every aspect. They must answer their every question in a humble way and sort out those little questions stuck in their minds because they are too sensitive to handle them alone.
When Parents Educate their Children at Home
The parents beginning at home schooling do not require a proper degree, they can begin at any time as soon as they start filling the requirements of the educational program. You can either start it on your own or can create a community with your neighbor parents to help to arrange field trips, lectures, art and music classes, sports etc. One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling is that you can understand the temperament of your kids very well and set your own timetable. The research has shown that kids that are homeschooled have scored way more than those at public schools. They get proper attention in every subject, learn to manage time, in a friendly environment. These methods include quick learning, interest-led learning based on the individual set of instructions from their parents based on their interests, abilities, and learning style. At home, you can take little breaks in between and serve your child with a snack which will boost their mind. And if the parent is ill, then just like school your child doesn’t have to waste his day at school, instead, the ill parent can still supervise his children and listen to some story from his bed. These kids learn how to maintain discipline at home and may assist their parents in the kitchen or while preparing bed which will expose them more to necessities of life.
Disadvantages of Homeschooling
Yes, homeschooling may harm your child learning abilities too. There are some drawbacks that come up with homeschooling but that is only when you don’t fulfill the prerequisites of being a perfect parent-teacher. If you prefer homeschooling over private or public schools but can’t pay attention or stay busy in attending guests or whatever you are really wasting your kid’s time and his abilities too. He will be more inclined to playing all the time, not even listening to you and lose the stamina to follow a regular school routine afterward.

So, it all depends on the determination, dedication, and preferences of the parents for their kids. If you really have some busy on-going schedules then it’s better to leave them at schools but if you can manage to supervise your child then believe me there is no other best way to nurture this delicate flower. 

How Can Kids Learn The Benefits of Teamwork?

How Can Kids Learn The Benefits of Teamwork
Have you ever been interested in the task of letting your kids know  what are the major benefits of teamwork? Teamwork building concept is one such means of adding the dedication and motivational level in your kids. You should let your kids learn about the importance and value of the teamwork building from the very young age that would act as the supportive sheet for them. Teamwork is all about the source of working together by leading one another. In order to let your kids learn about the benefits of teamwork let's teach you with some of the important guidelines!
Helpful Tips About How Kids Can Learn The Benefits of Teamwork:
Tip No 1: It is an honored thing to be part of a team. But when once you get excluded from the team, it does come out to be the matter of great upset nature. You should let your kid know about this important value and should stop them from excluding others.
Tip No 2: You should encourage your kid to stay a sportsman spirit all the time. If you want to indulge yourself in the teamwork, then it is important to have the feeling of competition in your kid at the time of the physical activities.
Tip No 3: You should let your kid know the fact that everything works better when you will be working in the form of a group. They should know how to lead the team and consider all the players of the team as on equal terms.

So, this was the end of the information related with some of the helpful tips that can help you a lot in order to make your kid learn about the benefits of teamwork. To make your kid dedicated and motivated enough in future, I hope these tips are precious enough for you.

Let's Talk About Pros and Cons of Children Video Games

 Does your kid simply love to play video games all the time? Do you think these video games are making their mind sharp and powerful enough? Well, as we do take the names of the online games, then there are a lot of games that definitely come about to be the medium of making the kids intelligent and sharp in nature. But it is all known that every blessing of technology has the good face and a monster face. You particularly have no idea that there are some of the games that do give your kids the greatest damage in health and mental growth.
For your guidance, here we would highlight down some of the important and main pros and cons related to the children video games:
Important Pros Of Video Games:
·         These video games have the power to where they are accountable as in order to increase up to the processing speed of the brain.
·         They are also responsible as in order to raise up the level of the pro-social behavior.
·         These online games have proved out to be one of the best mediums as where they can improve the memory of the kid.
·         These games are considered to be one of the excellent ways to improve the memory timeline.
·         They do prove out to be best one in the range of the brain regions all along with the brain flexibility.
·         Your kids will be finding it a lot helping when it comes to their reading fluency improvement and also the speed.
Talk About Main Cons Of Video Games For Kids:
·         These online games are linked with the concept where it can increase up to the obesity level of the kids.
·         If your kid is involved in playing the game for more than 3 hours, then it can disturb their psychological adjustment.
·         These games can even lead to the violent outburst of the kid's mind if they are constantly playing violent games.

·         It can make your kid's addicted to these games. 

Monday, 18 September 2017

Teach Your Children to do House Chores


Children are the gift of Almighty to us who need to be trained in every aspect of life. They are delicate, little souls who are just like soft clay. Yes, because they easily get mold the way you want them to be. If you want to make them responsible, honest, and dedicated you must teach them by their first day in this world. 
Don’t you ever think that your kid is too little to do this thing or that, in fact, trust them with their abilities. They are as intelligent, keen and observant as a mature one. You only need to trust them, engage them with yourself and supervise them in every manner of life. They are quick learners and yet the most active creature of this planet. 
Teaching your children various house chores like making their bed, sweeping the floor, wash the dishes with you in kitchen, setting the dining, and helping you out in your groceries, shopping, repairing your car etc. gives them a sense of accomplishment. it might be their first step in practical life. These activities teach them teamwork and they stay more connected with their families. It is not only the task of girls but boys too should be involved in all house chores. 
Though, it is not an easy task to engage your kid with household chores as some of them may be careless, naughty or not interested in such activities. For this, you need to praise them for their little acts, let them help you in their way, listen to them and encourage them to give an idea. In this way, they will feel themselves part of the team and will pay more attention. No need of rewards as you might get them spoiled too. As compared to these kids, those who are not taught by their parents stay more dispersed, mismanaged and irresponsible in their life. They are more dependent on others for their little things. So, teach your children all aspects of life.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Why are Outdoor Activities Important for Children?

Your child may be a lover of nature, crazy to play in the sand, play games like kickball whatever he wants to but must not be a robot who is always busy with his iPad or video stations. It will coagulate their minds to only one thing and will their all social abilities. Do you want your child to socially cut off from his friends, family? No, then what are you waiting for? Let’s plan some mind-blowing outdoor activities for your children that will get them off their sofas watching cartoons for hours to outside the house.
Outdoor activities are way important for the healthy growth of your kid’s mind and body as well. It will make your children nature-friendly, socially interactive, more confident in gatherings and keen towards something innovative. The fresh air will bloom their mind and they can inhale all the hidden powers of nature. The children have already been stressed a lot by their hectic school routines. In those strict schedules, few hours of outdoor plays will make them feel lighter and stress-free. Games are the best boosters of your child’s mind and when you involve them in such activities they start enjoying your company too. It will keep them more connected to their dad and mom and soon they will find these online games bore and a wastage of time only.
Parents should arrange for their kids some healthy summer sports like swimming, camping, dot games etc. which will engage their minds and body to some healthy activity.
     “Games shouldn't only be fun. They should teach or spark an interest in other things.”
                                                                                                                                   (Hideo Kojima)

Thus, outdoor games are not all about fun and laughter, it boosts your energies to a new level. It teaches you confidence, spiritual awareness, development and physical strength as well. These all factors will encourage your kids to a more healthy and disciplined life.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Turn Your Child’s Hyperactivity Into Productivity

When somebody says a child is hyperactive, it can be an indication that the child may have ADHD. ADHD is known for a condition called, ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER. Children with ADHD have issues paying attention, and they can be rash, which implies getting things done without thinking about outcomes. This can cause issues like getting hurt and nervousness. A few children who have ADHD can experience issues in school. Some may experience difficulty making companions. There are some useful activities which make them happy and active, let us discus them here.
·         Most ADHD children love being outside. Outdoor work and activities like biking and climbing are particularly useful for these kids like with many group activities, for example, cricket, baseball, and soccer, the children love to play outside.
·         Music exercises are also liked by these kids a lot. So, let your child play with the musical instruments it produced a good impact on the brain.
·         Participation in debates not just gets your kid associated with a gathering with a shared objective, however, can give an individual brain test. Communication abilities are sharpened.
·         The steady development and feeling of achievement when your child perceives how much ground he's secured makes running a group pleaser for kids with ADHD. Additionally, the game's abundantly touted capacity in providing pleasure to the mind makes it an incredible approach to work after school.
·         Swimming is also among the best activities to these children, when they start making efforts while swimming, their bodies become more active and strong.
·         Some old games that sharpen the mind like Chase and quiz are also liked by the children, these types of games make their brain active all the time.
The ADHD children basically ask for the attention by others so they usually love to play in the group otherwise they feel hurt and anxious.

Go on a treasure hunt.

Take five minutes and hide some treasures (toys, rocks, whatever) around the house.  Make a list of the items, and have your child go on a treasure hunt.  If they can’t yet read, draw a sketch of the hidden item.

Before you even start thinking about treasure hunt clues for kids, or an end prize, you need to know how many kids will be participating in the hunt, and their ages. This makes it easy to select an appropriate place for the game to take place. You might consider holding your treasure hunt in the following places:
In gardens or parks. This works well with larger groups of children, either working together or in teams. Great as part of a nature-themed trail, Easter egg hunt, or as an outdoor birthday game.
At home. Simple treasure hunts for a few young children can be set up in your home. Indoor treasure hunts for kids make a fun rainy day activity, and work well as part of a small, indoor birthday party for younger children.
Throughout your neighbourhood. This is a great way to explore the local area. Map or trail-based treasure hunt clues for kids can even use local landmarks as reference points. Just make sure your kids are aware of the proper road safety precautions and other urban safety requirements before you start.
If you’re organising a treasure hunt for a birthday party, you’ll want to match your hunt to the party’s theme. A classic treasure hunt for kids suits a pirate theme, of course – but the format can be adapted to fit almost any party motif. Here are some treasure hunt ideas for kids you might like to try:
Aliens. A group of extra-terrestrials have landed on earth, and have been leaving strange objects in odd places. Players must collect them all to spell out the location of the space ship and the prize that awaits them.
Detectives. A robber has broken into a safe and stolen some valuable jewels! The prize could be a bag of mixed sweets – choose treats that look like gemstones for an extra-realistic touch. The kids must find the clues to unlock the mystery and discover where the thief has hidden his loot.

Make homemade play-doh.

Play-doh made from scratch is easy, and you can make an endless array of colors with basic food dye. Spread the outdoor tablecloth on the floor, and give them dull knives, a rolling pin, and some cookie cutters.
Everyone seems to have a favorite playdough recipe, and many old favorites have been includedhere. Some require cooking and some don't; some are meant to be eaten and some are not. Choose the recipe that best suits your needs and the ingredients you have on hand. Store playdough in a covered container. If it sweats a little, just add more flour. For sensory variety, use playdough warm or cool as well as at room temperature.

Colored Playdough

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
  • Food coloring
  • Saucepan
  • 1 cup flour                   
  • Directions
    1. Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
    2. Remove from heat and add flour.
    3. Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don't have it on hand.
    4. Store this dough in an airtight container .

Perform a puppet show or play

Collect hand-me-down clothes and thrift store finds as a dress-up box.  Kids can create costumes for a play, with you as the audience. Or, they can let their stuffed animals star as puppets, and hide behind the couch for a dramatic reenactment starring their pretend friends.
You can also make a simple puppet show theatre with a spring-loaded curtain rod and a piece of fabric in a doorway.

Saturday, 9 September 2017



Suitable for: Kindergarten, Multi-Age, Preschool, School Age
Paper and writing instrument
As you prepare a meal, discuss what will be served and ask your child to create a menu. Fold the piece of paper in half. Have your child create the menu by writing the word or sound on one side of the paper and drawing a picture of the food on the other. Do this for each food. Have the child present the menu to the family.
Make this activity fun, not a test. Your child might copy words off of boxes.

Thursday, 7 September 2017



Suitable for: Infant, Toddler, Twos
Basket, materials of different colors and textures: fur, fuzzy, synthetic fabric, silk, burlap, velvet, satin, metallic, chiffon, etc.
Place basket on floor with your child. Talk about textures as he pulls them out of the basket. Ask him questions like, “Which one is soft?” and “Show me the rough one.” Comment on his reaction to the materials by saying things like, “You like the velvet, don’t you?” and “Do you want to rub the satin on your arm?”
Twelve by twelve inch squares of fabric are suggested to help prevent your child from getting tangled in large pieces. Keep an eye on the strings that unravel from the edges and trim them. Wash materials routinely.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017



Suitable for: Multi-Age
6 tablespoon cream of tartar
3 cups white flour
4 tablespoons cooking oil
1/2 cup salt
3 cups water
Food coloring (a few drops) or JELL-O or Kool-Aid powder packet
With your child, combine all the ingredients in a microwave-safe dish and beat until smooth. Cover with cling wrap and microwave for 7 minutes on high, stirring halfway through cooking. If the mixture is still gooey, microwave it for another minute. Cool and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. (Microwave time may vary. Be sure to watch the playdough while cooking.)
Let your children help measure, pour, and stir the mixture.



Suitable for: Infant, Kindergarten, Multi-Age, Preschool, School Age, Toddler, Twos
Your baby
Create a wind-down bedtime routine: a schedule of activities that will be the same every night and will become a ritual. For example, your child gets to pick out two books that you read to her, then you hug her and her teddy bear, then you say goodnight and turn out the lights. Come up with a routine unique to your family and your child.
The earlier you start a bedtime ritual the more effective it will become. If possible, you should go through your ritual every night. Try to create rituals that are manageable in all settings and not too elaborate.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Painting The House Activity


Suitable for: Preschool, Toddler, Twos
Old paint brush, bucket of water
Ask your child to use the paint brush and water to “paint” the house, fence, or sidewalk. The water may change the color of the surface they’re painting, which will give them results.
This is a great activity for a hot day – as the water dries, you and your child can watch the “paint” evaporate. Talk with your child as you paint – say things like, “Where did the paint go?”; “Try it in the shade and see if it disappears as quickly.” ; “What is different about the shady area?”; “Feel the brick, is it hot or cold?

Setting The Table Activity


Suitable for: Kindergarten, Multi-Age, Preschool, School Age, Twos
Silverware and napkins
Explain to your child how to set the table, and then set it with your child. After the first few times, your child might be able to do it herself. . Ask your child how many people will be at the table and how many of each item she needs.
Helping at mealtimes is a wonderful way to spend time together when you have chores to accomplish. Don't worry too much about correctness of placement - focus more on the concept that each person gets one plate, one cup, etc.